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‘Aha Approves Korean Partnership

At the 194th Aha Pae'aina held this last week on O'ahu, ten guests from the South Seoul Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK) were on hand to witness the approval of a mission partnership between the Presbytery and the Hawai'i Conference. 
Delegates also approved a budget for the new fiscal year, elected new Council members and Foundation trustee, and discussed an action plan to evaluate the ministries of the Hawai'i Conference in the coming year.  Offerings taken during worship services at the 'Aha Makua benefited Our Church’s Wider Mission ($2100) and the Vesper Maile Ito Fund ($2258).  Photos from the 'Aha Iki and 'Aha Makua are posted online. 

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