Disaster Ministries
Hawai‘i Conference

Hawai‘i Disaster Relief Fund
In October 2017 the Conference Council voted to create the Hawai‘i Disaster Relief Fund to allow the Hawai‘i Conference to respond quickly and efficiently to both large and small natural and human caused disasters throughout the islands.
Gifts to the Hawai‘i Disaster Relief Fund allow us to provide support for holistic recovery and to restore dignity for the most vulnerable who may have lost everything in the wake of catastrophic events. We continue to accept donations for those in need, and checks may be made payable to HCUCC with a notation, "Hawai'i Disaster Relief Fund." Donations may also be made online under “Hawai‘i Disaster Relief."
Hawai'i Conference Disaster Coordinator: Danny Tengan
Danny Tengan, member at Hawai'i Kai UCC, agreed to serve as the Hawai'i Conference Disaster Coordinator in 2018. He will also act as a liaison for the Conference with the national UCC Disaster Ministries team. He retired in 2013 from State Civil Defense where he served as the Exercise Training Officer and the Hurricane Program Manager. He has been a disaster volunteer with the American Red Cross since 2001 and has previously served on the CINCPAC emergency response team, deploying to emergencies anywhere in the Pacific and was the Army Reserve Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer to USARPAC. Currently he is a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) lead instructor and is the Oahu Eastside CERT coordinator. Danny is eager to help our churches be both prepared and responsive in the wake of disasters. He is offering Disaster Preparedness/Awareness training for churches around the Conference.
If your church is interested in sponsoring a training in your church or association, please contact Lori Yamashiro in the HCUCC Office.
UCC Disaster Ministries
UCC Disaster Ministries
responds to natural and human-caused disasters
all over the world.
Scroll down for resources
on disaster preparedness, recovery, and other helpful organizations.
For the latest in recovery efforts in the U.S. and around the world,
check out the news below:
Disaster Preparedness
Churches can play active roles in disaster preparedness.
Help and Hope: Disaster Preparedness and Response Tools for Congregations
This book helps congregations prepare for and respond to disasters. Published by Church World Service, it draws together experiences from numerous contributors and includes theological discussion on disasters. Read a review on Page 5 of the December 2014 edition of The Friend.
FEMA Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Houses of Worship
Recent developments have put a new emphasis on the process for developing EOPs. This guide is designed to be scalable for use by small to large-sized houses of worship in order to help navigate the planning process.
United Church of Christ Local Church Disaster Preparedness and Response Planning Guidelines
Hawaii Emergency Management Agency website (preparedness recommendations plus latest updates and shelter locations)
The American Red Cross has created several smartphone apps, including First Aid, Hurricane and Emergency. Download them on iTunes or Google Play.
Emergency Preparedness Handbook (available in several languages) from Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.
Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) training prepares communities to respond to various types of disasters. For available classes visit www.oahucert.net.
In a Time of Disaster
Disaster Recovery