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Formation Missional Team

The Formation Missional Team works to promote the formation of strong Christian communities in the Hawai‘i Conference United Church of Christ.


Key Functions

  • Develop programs for:

    • The Conference

    • Youth

    • Congregations

    • Clergy

    • Other areas as needs arise

  • Ensure that programs are more than just activities or events, but opportunities that can change people’s lives and help them grow to be more faithful.

  • Include programs that help develop people’s sense of call, strengthening the church to be effective UCC witnesses in their community and Hawai‘i.

  • Lead the transformation of people’s lives and build relationships and connections. Work on evangelism, emphasize the necessity of going to the people, not waiting for them to come.

Team Members

  • Jack Belsom, Wailuku Union Church

  • Wayne Higa, Ka‘ahumanu Church

  • Wayne Ibara, Makiki Christian Church

  • Janice Ogoshi, Topside Molokai

  • Joan Sakaba (Chair) , Kailua Christian Church

  • Kalei Tong, Ola‘a First Hawaiian

  • Danielle White, Hilo Coast UCC

  • Kalani Wong, Iao UCC

  • Lori Yamashiro, Conference Staff

  • Kristen Young, Conference Staff

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