Justice and Witness Missional Team
Called to be witnesses of the Good News of God’s Reign in Jesus Christ, the Hawai’i Conference Justice and Witness Missional Team, in covenant with its local churches, Associations, and partnership ministries, seeks to discern and develop compassionate ministries of justice, peace, and the stewardship of creation, as God intends, both in this life and in the world.
The mission of the Justice and Witness Missional Team is to equip congregations on justice and witness initiatives. The team provides materials, resources, guidance and support to congregations.
Equipping congregations with worship and study resources on justice and witness initiatives locally, nationally and internationally.
Inviting volunteers in congregations to be resource persons or advocates for these initiatives in their local churches, communities, associations, etc.
Educating churches on these initiatives through Conference communications, resource and study materials, workshops and presentations, etc.
Advocating for justice and witness concerns in the public arena, as well as in denominational, ecumenical and interfaith settings.

Linda Rich, Chairperson
"Church of the Crossroads has been my community of faith since 1979. I have served on its Peace, Justice, and Stewardship of Creation Mission Team for many years, as well as the Worship Committee and the Churchʻs Coordinating Council. I find great joy in singing in the choir. I am a retired social worker and addictions counselor.
Why have I agreed to chair this Missional Team?
If there ever has been a time that urgently called for Christians to proclaim Jesusʻ Way of justice, reconciliation and peace, and the kindom of God, it is now. Here at home, on the Continent, and across the world, the pandemic has exposed inequities in access to health care, growing poverty and hunger, and racism. Our Hawaiian brothers and sisters in Christ continue to seek justice. We see gun violence in our daily news, and hateful speech and violent actions magnifying political divisions. Sadly, Christianity also is deeply divided. The amazing creation placed in our care breathed a sigh of relief and began to heal while we have been forced to slow our travel and other polluting activities and has shown us that our behavior can restore or destroy the creation that supports all life. I look to Micahʻs admonition that we are called to DO justice, act kindly, and walk humbly with God, and to Matthew 25:34-45. I believe that we are called, in the UCC, to act and witness for justice. Your HCUCC Justice and Witness Missional Team is here to facilitate our churches and members answering that call."

Kalaniakea Wilson
"PhD Candidate in Political Science UH Manoa (International law, Hawaiian Kingdom law, Humanitarian law, Indigenous Studies), waitlister on Hawaiian Homelands waitlist failed federal program for 20 years, English Language Arts teacher at the only public Hawaiian language immersion program on Hawai‘i island. Student in the Masters of Theology program at the Vancouver School of Theology. Member of Kalapana Maunakea First Congregational Church on the east side of Hawai‘i island. Hawaiians have been targets of war crimes for over 128 years since the state of war began from the U.S. marine invasion on January 16, 1893. My family has been working for justice for Hawaiians for three generations."

Cassie Chee
Cassie Chee (she/her) calls Korea, Okinawa, China, Hawai'i, and the Pacific Northwest home. Her Father grew up in Pearl City and her Mother was born in Seoul, Korea and raised in Los Angeles. Cassie was raised in Kirkland, Washington (Duwamish land) and went to the University of Washington where she began to feel a call to ministry. She graduated from Garrett–Evangelical Theological Seminary with a Master's of Divinity in hopes of doing ministry alongside those most vulnerable in our community. She is a Member in Discernment at Pearl City Community Church and currently serves as the Designated Term Pastor at Wahiawa UCC. Cassie is passionate about co-creating and building power locally to imagine more loving and just worlds.

All are Welcome at the Table Working Group