
The Thing that Makes for Peace
Conference Minister David Popham shares a reflection on what is happening in Ukraine: The Thing that Makes for Peace
David Popham
Mar 12, 20221 min read

A Theology of Generosity
The human story begins with stewardship. At the conclusion of God's initial creative acts, humans were gifted with life for the purpose...
David Popham
Jul 8, 20212 min read

Conference Minister Reflects on Sacred Time
The calendar of Christianity is set up to mark the rhythm of life interspersed with sacred moments. From a biblical perspective the...
David Popham
Jun 11, 20212 min read

Reflections on Money and Contentment
It's odd to think about stewardship and tithes in the midst of a pandemic. However, the truth of the Christian life is that we have pledged,
David Popham
Sep 16, 20202 min read

Reflections on the Relationship between Faith and Science
COVID-19 has proven to be a worthy foe. It thrives in summer heat and jumps easily from one person to the next. How do we go about...
David Popham
Aug 12, 20201 min read

Continuing Reflections on the COVID Crisis
The spread of COVID-19, especially on O'ahu, is a concerning sign about how the disease makes its way among people. We are now hearing...
David Popham
Aug 5, 20202 min read

Conference Minister Reflects on COVID-19 Spikes
Among the preparations for Hurricane Douglas and the mixed messages on reopening public schools, it was easy to miss the spike in...
David Popham
Jul 29, 20202 min read

Conference Minister Reflection: Living with an Unending Pandemic
Last week I was in a meeting in which one of the participants referring to COVID-19 and times of crisis said, "I know how to live with a...
David Popham
Jul 22, 20202 min read

Conference Minister Reflection: Jesus and the Canaanite Woman
Looking ahead at the August lectionary reading, I see that one of the gospel texts is the encounter between Jesus and the Canaanite...
David Popham
Jul 15, 20202 min read

Conference Minister Reflects on Ongoing Pandemic
In mid-March we were asked to shelter in place in order to flatten the curve of COVID-19 spread. Here we are in early July discovering...
David Popham
Jul 8, 20202 min read