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O‘ahu Association

OAUCC Fall Mokupuni First Chinese 2019-1
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Vision Statement 

The O‘ahu Association is called to be a community of churches and authorized ministers covenanted in Jesus Christ to celebrate and proclaim the reign of God in word and deed.


Goal Statement 

Through the leading of God’s Spirit, we help nurture and sustain local churches—laity, clergy, and other authorized ministers—in the proclamation of the Reign of God in Jesus Christ by:

  1. Bringing together enriching relationships within our association through working together with one another, for example: (relational leadership formation)

    • Monthly clergy gatherings

    • Mokupuni gatherings

    • Churches mentoring one another, identifying needs and working together

    • Supporting settings for Christian formation for children, youth, and adults.

  2. Enabling the mission and work of the local churches, the Hawai‘i Conference, the United Church of Christ, and O‘ahu Association through:

    • Encouraging support of Our Church’s Wider Mission

    • Providing opportunities for churches to gather and share ideas and collaborate in various ministries.

  3. Celebrating in worship with local churches on special occasions such as ordinations, installations, and anniversaries. (Worship forms us as the Body of Christ.)

  4. Caring for ministers and churches through, for example:

    • Granting and reviewing standing of local churches and ministers (congregational and ministerial formation)

    • Seeking out, nurturing and developing those called to and preparing for volunteer and professional ministry, lay and ordained

    • Providing continuing education and training for clergy and laity cooperatively with the Hawai‘i Conference (faith and theological formation)

    • And other needs as identified.

OAUCC Board of Directors

  • President: Irene Willis Hassan, Kailua Christian

  • Treasurer: Linn Garcia, Central Union Church

  • Secretary: Lori Yamashiro, Nu‘uanu Congregational Church

  • Committee on Ministry Chair: Kyle Lovett, Central Union Church

  • Wayne Ibara, Makiki Christian Church

  • Makana Milotta, Waipahu UCC

  • Joan Sakaba, Kailua Christian Church


Clergy Gatherings: 1st Wednesday of each month

Committee on Ministry: 2nd Wednesday of each month

Executive Committee: 2nd Thursday of every other month

Board of Directors: 2nd Thursday of every other month


O‘ahu Association

700 Bishop Street, Suite 825
Honolulu, HI 96813

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