OCWM Resources
Our Church's Wider Mission

What is Our Church's Wider Mission?
Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM) is a way for local churches of the United Church of Christ to help carry out God’s mission here in Hawai’i, across the United States, and around the globe.
Our gifts to OCWM multiply the power of each local church to change lives and transform the world, helping us to spread God's love to more people in more places than any one of us can do alone.
This resource highlights work being done in the national setting which is supported by Our Church’s Wider Mission. Print and post for church bulletin boards, use in newsletters or on websites. Great for new board members and stewardship/mission committees!
Use Mission Moments weekly to tell a story about your congregation's connection with the wider church. Each issue (which is designed to be inserted with your newsletter or Sunday worship bulletin) is an effective way to inform your members about what they make possible through their gifts to OCWM.
Order a pack of current brochures from the UCC resources.
OCWM contribution form (for churches)
Please use this form when submitting your church’s missions offerings to aid in the timely and accurate processing of your gift. Offerings are usually due in early January to be credited for the previous year.
OCWM is at work in the Hawai‘i Conference!