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Open and Affirming
“Open and Affirming” (ONA) is the United Church of Christ's (UCC) designation for congregations, campus ministries, and other bodies in the UCC which make a public covenant of welcome into their full life and ministry to persons of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions.
While the Hawai‘i Conference as a whole does not carry the Open and Affirming designation, there are seven ONA churches within the Hawai‘i Conference:
Church of the Crossroads (O‘ahu)
Hanapepe UCC (Kaua‘i)
Hokuloa UCC (Hawai‘i Island)
Iao UCC (Maui)
Ka Hana O Ke Akua (O‘ahu)
Kana‘ana Hou-Siloama UCC (Kalaupapa)
Kōloa Union Church (Kaua‘i)

All are Welcome at the Table Taskforce
The All are Welcome at the Table taskforce seeks to inspire UCC churches to extend Christ-like love and welcome to all, including persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities, as equal children of God.
The group offers resources related to the UCC Open and Affirming (ONA) process as well as local workshops and opportunities for dialogue.
Members include Ellen Carson, Maureen Burns, MacArthur Flournoy, and David and Lea Twigg.
Learn from our ONA churches:
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