State Council of
Hawaiian Congregational Churches
To advocate, at all levels, on behalf of all Hawaiian churches holding membership in the Hawai‘i Conference United Church of Christ.
A community which celebrates its biblical roots while sustaining the richness of Hawaiian traditions and cultural values; which strives to create opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership, and commitment for a common vision; and which nurtures all people to become instruments for building a better world and community.
We embrace and cherish our Christian faith as we respect our cultural heritage and ultimately seek the peace that comes with living comfortably in both.
The State Council of Hawaiian Congregational Churches (SCHCC) traces it roots back to the 1948 ‘Aha Pae’āina of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association (the precursor to today’s Hawai’i Conference of the United Church of Christ). The State Council was set up to provide leadership for Hawaiian churches, promote their work, and to nurture fellowship.
The State Council of Hawaiian Congregational Churches was formally recognized at the 1952 ‘Aha Pae’āina. It continues today with approximately fifty member churches working together to keep alive the legacy and traditions of the native Hawaiian churches out of a sincere love for the Hawaiian churches and the Lord Jesus Christ.
View slides from the 2021 ‘Aha Iki SCHCC presentation:
Funding Assistance
Fund for Repair & Maintenance of Small Membership Hawaiian Churches
To cover the cost of the repair and maintenance to existing structures on church premises including the hale pule (church building), hale ʻāina (social/fellowship hall) and hale keʻena (office building). The scope of work may include the repair and maintenance of windows, doors, floors, and roofs as well as painting, electrical, plumbing and fumigation work. Monies so allocated must be spent within the fiscal year for which it is approved.
The Kahu Richard W. Wong Endowment Fund
(Click link to automatically download file.) The purpose of this fund is to assist member churches of the State Council of Hawaiian Congregational Churches with educational, missional, evangelistic, personnel, and building needs, from the earned interest income.
(Click link to automatically download file.) The Katherine & Clay Wery Fund (the Fund) is intended to assist and improve the well- being of small, preferably rural, Hawaiian churches, of the Hawaii Conference United Church of Christ (HCUCC).
William Kahuaka‘i Keli’iho‘omalu Scholarship Fund
(Click link to automatically download file.) The applicant must be an active member of a church which is a member of the State Council of Hawaiian Congregational Churches, and be enrolled in a Licensed Minister School or an accredited Seminary approved by the Scholarship Committee.
Note that when an application is submitted, the requesting church needs to provide the original application with the minutes showing the action taken on their request for funding, plus 2 additional (complete) sets to the respective Island Council President, for their (Island Councils) review and approval that the application has been correctly filled out with the required signatures by the requesting church. When everything is in order, the Island Council President, signs their (the Island Council’s) section of the application, then submits all three (3) sets of the application, with the minutes and required signatures, to the Repairs and Maintenance Committee Chair before / by the deadline of December 31.
Please submit copies of the application form single-sided only. The minutes accompanying the application can be copied double-sided, if there’s more than one page.

SCHCC Member Churches
East Hawai‘i Council
Kalapana Maunakea Cong’l Church
West Hawai‘i Council
Kaua‘i Council
Hanapēpē Hawaiian Cong’l Church
Ko’olau Hui’ia Protestant Church
Maui Council
Kahakuloa Hawaiian Cong’l Church
Keolahou Cong’l Hawaiian Church
Lahuiokalani Ka’anapali Cong’l Church
Olowalu Lanakila Hawaiian Church
Pa’ia Hawaiian Protestant Church
Moloka‘i Council
Kalaiakamanu Hou Cong’l Church
O‘ahu Council
Lili’uokalani Protestant Church
Waianae Protestant Church