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Hawai‘i Conference aims to be "AlohaSafe"

Hawai‘i Conference

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Hawai‘i Conference clergy have gathered regularly on Zoom to support one another in ministry and occasionally hear from guest speakers from the community who are invited to present helpful information. Robert Kurisu of AlohaSafe shared about a free new app called AlohaSafe Alert that can be used to alert a user if they have come into contact with a person who has contracted COVID-19.

This smartphone application, designed in partnership with the Hawai‘i Department of Health to amplify contact tracing efforts, first rolled out on the island of Lāna‘i which had its first COVID outbreak just weeks ago. Pastor Steve Jerbi of Lāna‘i Union Church helped make the connection with Robert and AlohaSafe. Jerbi mentioned people's willingness to download the app because of open conversations like these.

Kurisu also notes, "Hawai‘i has the opportunity to lead the country by having one of the highest adoption rates out of any other state by building engagement through conversations like these and through word of mouth by establishing really strong grassroots community-level campaigns just like this."

Watch a recording of the presentation, share it with others, and tell those around you to download the AlohaSafe Alert app!

“It’s analogous to mask wearing. A lot of it is about protecting the people around you. If everyone is utilizing the technology, or a vast majority, it’s more meaningful and effective.” Robert Kurisu on the AlohaSafe Alert app

AlohaSafe, the organization behind the app: "We are a group of businesses, nonprofits and community coalitions that have contributed time and resources to develop and support Hawaii’s AlohaSafe Alert application in partnership with the Hawaii State Department of Health."

Learn more and download the app!


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