Appeal for Tonga

Dear Partners in Ministry,
As you are aware, the Kingdom of Tonga is in the midst of “an unprecedented disaster” due to the eruption of Hunga Tonga – Hunga Ha‘apai on January 15. There is damage from the ash and tsunami waves which severed the fiber optic cable servicing the nation. Reports indicate that the entire population of nearly 105,000 people are impacted with contaminated water as well as collapsed houses on the most devastated islands.
Danny Tengan, HCUCC Disaster Ministries Coordinator, has secured water to ship to the stricken nation. The Conference Office is partnering with Lihue United Church’s associate pastor Leni Namoa of the Tongan Language Ministry to collect an offering which will be directed to the hardest hit districts of Tonga and its 170 islands.
We invite the congregations of the Hawai‘i Conference United Church of Christ to stand in solidarity with the Tongan people by receiving an offering for Tonga Relief on January 30, February 6, or February 13. One hundred percent of the funds collected will be channeled through the Tongan Language Ministry for direct aid and help to those lives most distressed by the disaster.
Churches may submit relief checks through the Conference Office, made payable to HCUCC with the notation “Tonga Relief.” Also, churches and individuals may make donations online through our Disaster Relief fund, by clicking the “Donate” button, then edit “Disaster Relief to read “Tonga Relief.” Our call, as followers of Christ, is to be the light on the hill. May our light shine bright in this time of support and love for those in Tonga.
Aloha, Rev. Dr. David K. Popham Conference Minister
Checks can be made payable to: "HCUCC"
Memo: "Tonga Relief"
Mail to: HCUCC
1848 Nu‘uanu Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96817
Donate to Tonga via our Disaster Relief fund. Please edit "Disaster Relief" to say "Tonga Relief" so your donation can be designated accordingly. (If you need help, view the instructions below.)