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Clergy for Ceasefire + Churches' Witness and Ways to be Involved

Hawai‘i Conference Office

A delegation of healthcare workers and faith leaders visited the Capitol on March 20th to apply pressure on legislators for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. The group's request was for a hearing to be scheduled for HCR215, urging President Biden and U.S. Congress to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza; facilitate the de-escalation of, and end to, hostilities; and provide to the area fuel, food, water, medical supplies, and other forms of humanitarian relief.

View statements:

After making visits to legislators' offices, the delegation attended a hearing in support of HCR36, a related resolution urging President Biden to increase ongoing humanitarian aid to Palestine through the United Nations Children's Fund and World Food Programme. Several members of faith communities were among those who testified in support of the resolution.

"In a near-unanimous vote, Hawaii's Senate on Thursday became the first state legislative body in the U.S. to endorse a permanent cease-fire in the Gaza Strip. . ."

Four clergy stand
Darren Galindo (UCC Judd), Heather Barfield (Kaumakapili Church), David Popham (Conference Minister), Mary Herbig (Central Union Church)

The next week, on Maundy Thursday, March 28th, several Hawai‘i Conference clergy were among the nearly 100 community members who showed up for a rally at the Capitol to save the Hawai‘i Ceasefire Resolution and invite House lawmakers to support an end to the killing in Gaza by giving HCR215 a chance to be heard. This also followed letters issued by UCC national leadership and Churches for Middle East Peace entering Holy Week:

"With the celebration of Jesus’ grand entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and with shouts of “Hosanna” still fresh in our minds, we are reminded not to pass too quickly from the celebration of Palm Sunday to the celebration of Easter Sunday and the empty tomb. To be hurried in our festivities will cause us to miss the moments with Jesus that are both painful and profound."

Our Conference Minister and UCC General Minister and President are among the 140+ Christian leaders calling for a permanent ceasefire. "As Christians around the world prepare to commemorate the final suffering in the earthly life of Jesus Christ during Holy Week, we stand in solidarity with all in the Holy Land who suffer. During Passion Week, Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox alike engage in prayer, reflection, and repentance. We repent of the ways we have not stood alongside our Palestinian siblings in faithful witness in the midst of their grief, agony, and sorrow."

If you would like to take action to support the Hawai‘i Ceasefire Resolution, you may use the following link (updated often with the latest call to action) to easily contact your representatives:


Gaza: Pastoral Letters, Updates, and Advocacy

March 28, 2024 | From Dr. Peter Makari, the Global Relations Minister for the Middle East and Europe for the Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ.

As the crisis in the Middle East continues, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ remain deeply engaged in prayer, public witness, advocacy, and solidarity with partners.  This special digest highlights our churches’ most recent witness and ways you can be involved.



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