Explore LGBT Inclusion in the Church through Two Webinars
Participate in two free webinars hosted by the Church of the Crossroads (Honolulu) and the “All are Welcome at the Table” task-force of the Justice and Witness Missional Team of the Hawai‘i Conference UCC, exploring the extension of extravagant welcome to LGBTQ persons in our Christian churches.

Who should Attend?
UCC church leaders and members, and other Christians, who are interested in what the Bible really says in regards to LGBTQ people. Programs will be via Zoom, including local speakers, resources, and discussion.
Sunday, February 20 at 2pm The Bible + LGBTQ = Inclusive Christianity
Exploring the Bible’s extravagant welcome and God’s love for all, via historical & cultural analysis, sharing major Biblical themes of hospitality and inclusivity, and enlightened understanding of the few verses mis-used to stigmatize LGBTQ persons.
Presenters: Ellen Godbey Carson, Chaplain MacArthur Flournoy, Kahu David Baumgart Turner
Sunday, February 27 at 2pm
Why Creating an LGBTQ Welcoming Church Matters
LGBTQ and straight church members will share diverse perspectives on how LGBTQ welcoming churches have changed lives and enhanced the future of our churches. Learn why a clear statement of welcome and inclusion makes a difference.
Presenters include: Ellen Godbey Carson & MacArthur Flournoy
