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"God's Peace Shall Reign" Available for Use by Choirs and Ensembles

Hawai‘i Conference

"God's Peace Shall Reign" by Danette Kong

"God's Peace Shall Reign" is an anthem based on Micah 4:3 that was published several years ago and written by Danette Kong, a retired healthcare chaplain and member of Keawala‘i Congregational Church on Maui. Danette originally wrote this song for the choir of a church to which she belonged that deeply affected her perspective on church involvement with Peace and Justice issues. She shares the song now as "the circumstances just seem to fit the state of our world at the moment," and welcomes choirs/ensembles to perform the piece, giving permission for them to make copies for their use at no charge, just as long as they notify Danette of its usage.

To contact Danette Kong about the song, email


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