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Haili Church Organ Rededication and Recital

Hawai‘i Conference

Lorna Bufil, Haili Congregational Church

As one of the many festivities in celebration of Haili’s 200th Anniversary, an organ rededication and recital was held on Sunday, April 21st.

The organist’s featured were Rick Mazurowski, Walter Greenwood, Michael Springer, and Haili's own organist Norman Liborio. The choir performed choral anthems among which “Nu ‘Oli” and the Hallelujah Chorus which was sung in Hawaiian.

We are thankful for the many donors and members  who contributed to the organ restoration project.  Mahalo to Jim Gruber and Michael Springer for working so diligently for the restoration and completion.  The pipe organ has played a pivotal part in Haili’s musical history and numerous Cantatas.

The concert was a  success and well attended with 150 in attendance. The afternoon event  was  followed by fellowship and refreshments.  The leaders and members continue to be thankful for the many blessings surrounding their continued Ministry in serving the Lord.


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