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Invitation to take action to support Atlanta activists and religious leaders

Hawai‘i Conference Office

The following invitation was shared by Velda Love and Sharon Fennema of the United Church of Christ's Join the Movement toward Racial Justice campaign:

Dear Join the Movement toward Racial Justice co-conspirators,

Atlanta clergy and religious leaders representing diverse communities are calling on clergy, religious leaders, and people of faith and conscience across the nation to gather in solidarity with local Atlanta leaders in the efforts to #StopCopCity, #StopTheSwap, and #DefendtheAtlantaForest. They are calling on us to join in demanding an end to police militarization, as well as ecological destruction and systemic violence rooted in legacies of genocide and enslavement by participating in a week of actions in Atlanta and/or by endorsing [] the Clergy and Faith Leaders Call to Stop Cop City.

As movement-makers, we know the value of raising our voices and embodying our solidarity with those fighting for justice. We invite you to discern how you might be called to join the struggle to ensure that this sacred land will be a part of healing, repair, and the flourishing of all people in the greater Atlanta community and beyond. Please read and share the call to action and join these freedom fighters in body by going to Atlanta or in spirit by signing on as clergy and religious leaders.

(If you have tech trouble, simply email to endorse).

As the letter states:

We will not succumb to evil nor systems or policies that bring harm and destruction.

We will continue our work with justice and love, until the day we can all live in peace and flourishing as God's children.

In solidarity, Velda and Sharon

Rev. Dr. Velda Love

Lead for the Join the Movement campaign

United Church of Christ Minister for Racial Justice

Dr. Sharon R. Fennema (pronouns: she/her)

Join the Movement Curator and Storyteller



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