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KAUCC Holds ‘Aha Mokupuni, Hosts Director of Bethlehem Wi‘am Center for Peace

Hawai‘i Conference

The Kaua‘i Association held their Fall ‘Aha Mokupuni at Waimea Church on November 3, 2024. There was business, worship, and dinner, and a guest speaker from Bethlehem!

Rev. Dr. Zoughbi Alzoughbi, Director of Wi’am: The Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center in Bethlehem, delivered the keynote address on “Peace & Reconciliation.”

One KAUCC member shares notes from the presentation:

  • Rev. Dr. Zoughbi - born in Bethlehem.  Has been the head of Wi’am Center for Peace.  The organization started in 1994.

  • Bethlehem is the root of Christianity.  He believes any injustice against anyone is injustice against all.  2,000 years ago, Christ was born under Roman oppression.

  • Palestians have been oppressed and West Bank occupied since 1967.

  • He is not against Jews; he is against occupation. Don’t curse the darkness; bless the candles that light the way.

  • 75% unemployment in Bethlehem.  There are no tourists.  The Israeli closure and limit of movement has created great hardships.

  • Dwindling water resources, less agricultural land and expansion of settlers and more violence.

  • He says there are 4 gospels, but the audience is the 5th gospel - those who enhance knowledge of justice and peace. Light the candles for peace.

  • Help people to not be afraid.  They provide psycho-social support to women, men, teens and youth.

  • The center is near the wall built in 2002 around Bethlehem.

  • In 1948 - 600 villages were destroyed; 750,000 had to leave and 59 refugee camps were built.  In 1967 there was more violence and more Palestine settlements.

  • Trauma has been a way of life.  Generational trauma, Community trauma (every family has loss of family members - genocide; and personal trauma - unable to sleep, children have nightmares, feeling hopeless and helpless.

  • It takes 6 to 7 generations to recover after oppression leaves (that’s 150 years). Trauma coping is on-going.

  • Dr. Zoughbi says he knows that everyone suffers all over the world.  And we all have to be compassionate listeners.

  • Still - must talk of hope.

  • The center for peace has 10 staff; and 20 to 30 volunteers.  Must help people vent their feelings; release through talk, arts, dance, and limited getting out in nature.

  • There is no where to walk safely in Bethlehem.

  • They work with kids, teens, women in psycho-social groups; teach conflict resolution.

  • 70% of the people are under 30 years old.  There is no monopoly on pain.  It helps when you are able to help others.

  • Everyone is capable of evil and everyone is available to do good.

  • Teaches collective responsibility.  Think of the paralyzed man who was taken to see Jesus for a miracle.  It took 4 people to bring him to the roof and drop him down to have Jesus see him.

  • Those 4 were collective responsibility to help the paralyzed man.  We all need to work together.

  • Work together to end violence through non-violent means; prevent killings; with faith with empower the weak.

  • Need restorative justice; there is a blanket curfew and can’t look out the windows due to snipers.  There was no fresh water, not enough food, can’t go outside.  A man called his daughter and he said, I’m so sorry for all of this. His daughter said, “sorry is not enough, you need to send more chocolate”.

  • Break the cycle of violence through restorative justice and then can have peace through transformation.

  • Transform from depression and oppression - create a safe environment.  Offer counseling and mediation.

  • Every day they are living at the stations of the cross.

  • He told a story of when he was 13 years old and went to carry the cross in Jerusalem - bus ride for 5 miles.  He was stopped by jewish military and they did not believe he was 13 and said he was older and where was his ID.

  • He was scared and stopped for hours.  His mother said, don’t over generalize.  That was one bad Israeli person.  There are good Israeli people as well.

  • Never against people; against systems which are evil and oppressive.

  • The current settlements are confiscating their lands.  They have kidney stones due to lack of water.

  • Jesus taught agape love; he is not a tribal god for war; teaches only peace and against injustices.

  • We feel solidarity with you - feel not alone.

  • Have been frustrated with both sides of the USA political parties.  Frustrated with Biden and weapons given to Israel.

  • Hoping we have a safe peaceful election.

  • Encourages us to look at where our tax money goes.

  • Must always be using compassionate listening with our hearts; diplomacy is to humanize each party.

View a recording of his presentation below.



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