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O‘ahu Association Holds Fall ‘Aha Mokupuni

Hawai‘i Conference

The Oahu Fall Mokupuni was held in-person at Makiki Christian Church on Saturday, Nov. 4. This was the first in-person gathering since 2019. About three dozen participated, including a half-dozen who joined by Zoom—another first for the Mokupuni. Our theme was “Talk Story Time,” and featured small group discussions modeled after the recently inaugurated “Daring Faith Conversations” series introduced by the Conference Innovation and Engagement Missional Team, chaired by Pastor Heather Barfield.

Interaction was energetic and lively, fueled by three(!) excellent rounds of refreshments by the folks of Makiki Christian, who provided breakfast, coffee break snacks and lunch (to stay or to go!).

In his president’s address, Pastor Wayne Ibara reflected on the church being like an earthen vessel containing the treasure of the gospel (2 Corinthians 4:7-10), and described a memorable Christmas lunch of pastors at the 100 Sails restaurant in Waikiki. Filled with large, boisterous office staff parties, grace could not be spoken and heard. Pastor Kekapa Lee led the group of kahu in the Hawaiian Doxology, the Ho’onani. The sung grace silenced the surrounding tables and transformed the atmosphere of the room, even if just for a moment.

That, he said, was a symbol of what the church can be at her best, sounding a heavenly note in the midst of the world. And this is why continuing to gather as the church, the Association or the Conference is so important. We are called to be that sign, foretaste and instrument of the reign of God in our lives, and in our life together, for the life of the world.



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