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OAUCC gathers for Fall ‘Aha Mokupuni

Hawai‘i Conference

Faithful members of the O‘ahu Association gathered as the Mokupuni to share stories and plan for the future. Photo credit: David Popham

The O‘ahu Association, aligned with the Strategic Plan of the Hawai‘i Conference, has begun a 3-part process of church revitalization. At the Fall ‘Aha Mokupuni held on October 19, churches came together to approve a $1,000 grant for one church that the collective churches will select together for support in a targeted revitalization plan. Churches can submit applications to the O‘ahu Association to be selected for the grant award, as well as 6 months of comprehensive sister church volunteer support, and a written recommendation to the HCUCC Christian Investment Fund for an additional grant up to $4,000. At the Spring Mokupuni 2025, the O‘ahu Association will review applications from churches for revitalization support and select by vote which church we would like to communally support in the coming year. Please contact O‘ahu Association President Rev. Irene Willis Hassan for application details.

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