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Save the Dates for 200th 'Aha Pae'āina

Hawai‘i Conference

Originally published in the Coconut Wireless, April 13, 2022.

The 200th 'Aha Pae'āina, the annual meeting of the Hawai'i Conference United Church of Christ, will be held virtually and in person, June 12 -18, 2022. Central Union Church in Honolulu will host the in-person events.

The theme for this year's gathering is "Mai kēia hanauna a ia hanauna aku: From Generation to Generation." The 'Aha Iki will meet from June 14 – 16, and the 'Aha Makua will meet from June 17 – 18. The keynote speaker for the 'Aha Makua will be Jeffrey "Kapali" Lyon, Chair of the Department of Religion at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. He will be speaking on "The Religion of the Hawaiian Chiefs: Ali'i, Missionaries, and Religion in Early 19th Century Hawai'i."

Registration packets for the 'Aha Iki and the 'Aha Makua have been mailed out to the churches. Registration forms may be completed and mailed in or submitted online ('Aha Iki or 'Aha Makua). All who plan to attend must register by May 16, 2022. Please note that all delegates must attend the business session on Saturday, June 18, in person to be able to vote.

Youth Track - Youth in grades 6-12 (ages 11-18) are invited to participate in a special youth track from June 16 to 18 on O'ahu. Leaders and chaperones are needed! For more information or to participate in planning, contact Registration will open soon!


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