September 16, 2022 - General Minister & President Search Update
An update on the search for the next General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ
Dear Church:
I’m writing with a brief update on the General Minister & President search process and to let you know that the priority deadline for interested candidates is October 15, 2022. The Search Committee is now receiving candidate materials, and we look forward to continuing to expand the pool of qualified candidates as we begin our discernment process.
The purpose of the priority deadline is to give the Search Committee the best opportunity to thoroughly engage with candidates and their materials according to our rigorous timeline, with the ultimate aim of giving General Synod delegates and the whole church ample opportunity to review the nominee ahead of the July 2023 meeting. While we encourage potential candidates to express interest by October 15, nominations or applications that come in after this date will continue to be considered.
I encourage all members and friends of the United Church of Christ to lift up names of qualified leaders, and submit those individuals for consideration, and I invite authorized ministers to explore their call to this ministry with our Isaacson, Miller team. Nominations and inquiries can be made here:
Questions or feedback, including nominations, about any part of this process can also be directed here:
I covet your prayers for the Search Committee and all potential candidates as we enter into this time of discernment together.
In Christ,
Rev. Emma Brewer-Wallin
Chair, GMP Search Committee
More information: