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Session 2 of "Daring Faith Conversations" hosted by Innovation and Engagement Missional Team

Hawai‘i Conference

The HCUCC Innovation and Engagement Missional Team invites everyone to participate in Daring Faith Conversations: Reimagining Church in a New Cultural Context.

This is the second session of a four-part series of conversations for those passionate about the call and witness of the church in the world and for the future. This second hour-long conversation, led by Rev. Diane Weible, will take place on Thursday, December 7, at 6:30 p.m. HST via Zoom and will focus on the changing climate of the church and what it means for us as we navigate into the future.

Together we will:

-Share stories of new life

-Dare to dream of God's promised future

-Encourage and lift one another up

Meeting ID: 890 8073 7464

Passcode: 023176


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