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Stand Up, Speak Out, Witness for Justice

Hawai‘i Conference

On Presidents' Day, February 17, there were mass protests around the islands and nation in response to various policies by the administration. HCUCC members from various churches showed up at the Hawai‘i State Capitol to stand with over 1,000 people who showed up.

There was another call to action that came from the wider community for independent, decentralized actions by groups on Saturday, February 22. A few HCUCC members answered the call and organized a sign-waving demonstration in front of Nu‘uanu Congregational Church along Pali Highway.

"Our family, friends, our neighbors and co-workers — so many people we know and care about — are being targeted and attacked, and they are all going to suffer if we do not publicly respond with our open, active support. We can shelter them with our voice, our actions, and determined public demonstrations of support for their life and well-being." –Jeannie Thompson, Nu‘uanu Congregational Church

"More than just protesting (we are PROTESTants after all) we also wanted to show support for the divine diversity that makes US great and demonstrate that our communities are worth standing for." –Kristen Young, United Church of Christ - Judd Street




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