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UCC Observes Trans Day of Remembrance

Hawai‘i Conference

Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR), observed annually on November 20, honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. (Transgender, or trans, is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity is different from the sex assigned to them at birth." Learn more at

names of trans folks who have died in the past year over a background with a candle
Screenshot from Trans Day of Remembrance Vigil hosted by UCC, view below

The United Church of Christ Council of Conference Ministers shares A Letter/Litany of Lament, Confession, and Commitment for this day of remembrance:

"On this Trans Day of Remembrance, we remember and name those who have been killed because of their trans identities. It is also an opportunity to notice the many other ways Christ’s Body, one body that identifies in many ways, including trans and nonbinary, is wounded. If one part of the Body experiences harm, the entire Body is harmed. At this very moment, the Body of Christ is considering suicide because the hormone blockers she was counting on to survive the cruelties of puberty are now against the law. The Body of Christ is confused because his elementary school teachers believe they are now forbidden from talking about his lesbian mothers. The Body of Christ is angry because their teacher, protected by law, refuses to call them by their name. The joy of the Body of Christ is stifled because his love of makeup and dresses ​is forbidden in public​ spaces.
Today is a critical moment in which we are called to confess our missteps, ground our feet and act in protecting and celebrating the lives of trans and nonbinary youth and adults."


A virtual vigil was hosted by the United Church of Christ's Gender and Sexuality Justice Ministries (GSJM) on November 20 to honor and remember trans siblings — those known and unknown — who have been lost. GSJM seeks transformative justice for our faith communities and congregations by just action and love for all. Just as we hold space for All Saints Day, may we hold space for our transgender saints, may we honor and remember them by name. View the virtual vigil here:

Learn the names of trans folks who were lost to violence:

The Hawai‘i Conference Office shares this in support of the transgender members and friends of our churches.



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