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UCC Transition House Needs Your Support

Hawai‘i Conference

Since its beginnings in 1991, the UCC Transition House has successfully provided housing for female survivors of domestic violence and their children at a house located on O'ahu. In the midst of the pandemic the need for housing has significantly increased.

In spite of the challenges COVID has presented, the UCC Transition House established a partnership with the Domestic Violence Action Center (DVAC) in late 2020. And just before Christmas, the Transition House once again opened its doors to families in need of safe housing.

Funded entirely by donations and grants, the House is continually looking for more support. One way that you can help support this important ministry is to consider adding the United Church of Christ Transition House as the non-profit when making purchases on Amazon Smile so that a portion of your purchases will automatically be directed by Amazon to the Transition House. Your support of the Transition House will ensure the safety and comfort of women and their children who have experienced the trauma of domestic abuse and will help them establish more independent lives going forward.


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