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Stewardship Missional Team

The Stewardship Missional Team invites all members of the Hawai‘i Conference to live as stewards of God’s abundance, not managers of scarcity. To this end the work of the team centers on nurturing the fruits of the Spirit and the gifts of grace of people in every local church and encouraging the sharing of human, financial and property resources in order to enable the mission of the Hawai‘i Conference.

Key Functions

  • Provide awareness of scholarship and grant opportunities to the Conference membership and developing and performing the application and award process for these scholarships and grants:

    • Christian Investment Grants

    • Friend Peace Scholarships

    • Henry Opukaha’ia Scholarships

  • Create opportunities to increase awareness and support by the local churches for our common missions and needs.

    • Our Church’s Wider Mission

    • Friends of the Conference

  • Participate in special or ad hoc committees as may be required to initiate or improve upon resources to support Conference mission.

    • Capital Campaigns

    • Planned Giving Programs

Team Members

  • Sharon Matsuyama (Chair), Puka‘ana Congregational Church

  • Naleen Andrade, Kahikolu Church

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