General Synod Reflection: Pualani Akaka

"There is a river whose streams make glad the cities of God! (Ps. 46:4)” Truly, the 31st General Synod 2017 held in Baltimore, Maryland stirred heart, soul, and mind! I was able to attend thanks to The Richard and Helen Brown Endowment for Pastoral Scholarships for Members in Discernment (MIDs) who are preparing to become Authorized Ministers. In addition, I took The History, Polity and Theology class with Dr. Lee Barrett and Rev. Dr. Carolyne Call of Lancaster Theological Seminary. We met for 34.5 hours in class, 13 hours experiencing what we learned by attending Synod (caucus, plenary, worship, committee) and 10.5 hours in extra activities (Ministerial Excellence, Support and Authorization Team MESA, Chicago Theological Seminary, Gala with Rev. William Barber). The important take-away from Synod is the knowledge of the united and uniting God who is flowing like a mighty river. I am grateful to our Lord for this foundational experience. Thank you also to Kahu Charles Buck, Lori, HCUCC, Tri-Isle Association, and Hoolehua Congregational for your continued support of my journey.
- Pualani Akaka, Member In Discernment (Ho‘olehua Congregational Church)