1660 S. Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI 96826
Phone: (808) 791-5647
Email: wbmhawaii@gmail.com
“Never underestimate the power of a CHRISTIAN woman.”

H.E.L.P. Asia Women's Shelter is an emergency shelter for women in Tokyo that provides safety, support and resources for abused women and children.
Homeless Blessings are visits to our homeless brothers and sisters in our parks and in Chinatown that provide them with food and other basic necessities. Prayers for healing and support are offered.
Kokokahi Tropical Hunger Project establishes feeding programs for malnourished people through sweing project fundraisers, teaches organic and sustainable farming methods to feed the poorest of the poor, and provides support in medical training as well as relief from natural disasters.
YWCA Oahu Fernhurst is a program that prepares incarcerated women for reentry into society.
UCCP Pasuquin Learning Center is a preschool in Ilocos Norte, Philippines that was established by one of our members. Children are taught a Christian-based curriculum and fed a warm meal daily that is often the only meal they have all day.
United Church of Christ Transition House is a safe house for women and their children who are survivors of domestic violence. The House helps women and children heal and provides them with tools to live well independently.
Waikiki Youth Outreach Center is an outreach service providing hot meals, clothing, medical care, and basic necessities for our homeless youth.
Women's Community Correctional Center (WCCC) is a facility that houses about 300 women. We have adopted the women in the mental health unit by providing basic necessities and visits to fellowship with them from time to time. We have also supported the Total Life Recovery Program (TLR).
ZOE International rescues children from human trafficking and provides shelter, intervention, and faith-based counseling while nurturing them towards healing. They also educate others in terms of prevention.
The Woman’s Board of Missions reaches out to many missions and ministries each year.
1) Fabric, sewing supplies and children’s books are collected and sent to sewing schools and preschools in the Philippines.
2) School books, pastoral reference and worship books, Sunday school materials, and other educational materials are collected and sent to partner churches in Micronesia;
3) Stocking caps, eyeglasses and postage stamps are collected and sent to various ministries around the world.
4) Financial support is given through the Common Global Ministries Board for mission work and missionaries around the world but focusing on the Pacific Basin.
5) Missionaries are invited and hosted in our churches and at our events.
The Edith H. Wolfe Fund is used to support educational purposes of women and children throughout the Pacific. The Reverend Edith Wolfe ardently supported those who desired an education. Gifts have been given to Filipina and American women in seminary, special children's projects in Micronesia and leadership training opportunities for women in America.
The Mother Alice Scholarship Fund gives an annual gift to women attending seminary who hold "In-Care" status with one of the Associations in the Hawai‘i Conference of the United Church of Christ. These gifts are usually given in the spring and can be used for any need that arises during seminary training.
The Mission Projects Fund is utilized for any mission project that shares in the mission and vision of the Woman's Board of Mission for the Pacific Islands.
The Family Thank Offering gives one-time mission grants to meet a special need of individuals or families. Gifts have included helping to pay for surgery for a child, utility bills, food, rent delinquencies, and much more. Requests must be submitted to us by a pastor, an advocate, or one of our members. All requests require supporting documentation to authenticate the need(s).

Pastor Les and Lynne Ginoza are missionaries in Thailand and serve in ZOE International Ministries.

Rose Ludwig is a full-time missionary who previously served in Fiji and now serves in Guam, discipling young men and women through the Campus Crusade for Christ ministry.
2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Five days after one of the largest earthquakes in Japan, our Missions Committee voted to send $1,000 for Wider Church Ministries, marked “Pacific Earthquake/Tsunami”. In addition to the Wider Church Ministries financial assistance to victims, the women expressed concern for the Asian Rural Institute, located in Tochigi Prefecture, and voted to send an additional $500 to help them in the rebuilding of their facilities which is used to train community leaders from foreign countries. Those same facilities were visited by the 2000 WBM mission group from Hawaii and they remember well the hospitality that was extended to the 11-member group.
Stemming from very personal connections to the people of Japan and wanting to support Global Hope Network, the committee will be sending $500 towards their goal of raising $100,000 to help in efforts to provide emergency food and psychological counseling for rescue workers.
Locally in Hawaii, we are thankful for reports of only minor damage, but lots of debris. HCUCC reported that the villages of Miloli’i and Napo’opo’o, where our Hauoli Kamana’o and Kahikolu churches are located suffered the greatest damage. For those residents that need help, the Family Thank Offering Committee approved gifts of $500 for each church to help in relief efforts for community members.