At a time when we are called to shut our church doors and refrain from gathering together, we are reminded that we are the Church — that God, worship, and church are not confined to buildings.
This page serves as a bridge to keep us connected, informed, and inspired as we try new ways to BE THE CHURCH while protecting our communities by sheltering in place.
A call to churches
In what ways is your church continuing to connect and grow together while physically apart?
SHARE WITH US — how to connect with your church, photos of what 'church' looks like for you during this time, stories of community and connectivity in light of COVID-19 — we want to know!
Submit items to media@hcucc.org!

Heart by keiki and families of Community Church of Honolulu

Heart by Joan Sakaba of Kailua Christian Church

Heart by keiki and families of Community Church of Honolulu

Hearts by keiki and families of Community Church of Honolulu

A sign of love on the Hawai‘i Conference office sign, by Office Manager Lori Yamashiro.

By David Popham ‘ohana

Shining love in the night with a lit up heart through a window. Heart by Kristen Young, UCC Judd & Central Union Church.

Heart at Kauaha‘ao Church

Hearts read: "Jesus is with us. He will restore us from this pandemic." Hearts to lift up the spirits of those who drive by Kauaha'ao Congregational Church.

By Evie Hao, Central Union Church

Honolulu Cosmopolitan Church UCC

By Lauren Buck Medeiros of Punahou School, Central Union Church, Christ Church Uniting

Honolulu Cosmopolitan Church UCC

Honolulu Cosmopolitan Church UCC

Naomi Takai, Pearl City Community Church

Submitted by Scott Landis, Keawala‘i Church

Heart by Jenna Popham

Heart by Kerrie Shahan

Embrace your caring and creative side by sharing your heart! All are invited to enact God's care for us by making hearts to decorate the windows, doors, balconies of our homes as a visible and tangible sign of aloha in the midst of our sheltering-in-place.
Submit photos of hearts
with your name and church to media@hcucc.org or post them and tag us on Facebook @ucc.hawaii.
Many churches have moved to online spaces to worship on virtual platforms and some have since returned to their buildings with new safety measures. Go directly to their websites and social media to see how they're worshiping right now. Find a church HERE.
Worship with the Conference Ministers
Full virtual worship services led by UCC Conference Ministers, open to all and available for use within congregations. Find the full video service and separate video files of the various worship segments, along with a printable bulletin, and a printable read-only service for those without easy access to internet.
Access worship materials:
Eastertide worship service, May 2020
Parable of the Talents worship service, November 2020
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Hawai‘i Conference clergy and church leaders have been invited to gather on Zoom to support one another in ministry and share ideas and resources.
Zoom info is sent to all HCUCC clergy prior to each meeting. Request Zoom info.
Click to view recordings of some of the past conversations:
Understanding the Pastor as Both Spiritual Leader and Employee
February 3, 2021 - Presentation by Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons, Conference Minister of Southwest Conference UCC
Church Trends: COVID-19 and Our UCC Congregations
January 6, 2021 - Presentation by Erica Dollhopf, Director of the United Church of Christ's Center for Analytics, Research & Development, and Data (CARDD)
AlohaSafe Alert app - learn about new contact-tracing tool
December 2, 2020
Intimate Partner Violence w/ Coalition Against Domestic Violence
September 1, 2020
To sing or not to sing
June 17, 2020
Reopening church facilities
May 13, 2020: 10 a.m. session | 2 p.m. session
David Takagi—Insurance and issues related to COVID-19
April 29, 2020: 10 a.m. session | 2 p.m. session
News and updates on COVID-19 + information and resources during this time.
Connect with the Conference and other HCUCC churches
Faith In a Time of Pandemic
Bruce Epperly, 2020
Written by a UCC minister, this book of less than 40 pages could be a great resource for local churches, each chapter ending with a prayer and a list of dos and questions to ponder.
That Discomfort
You're Feeling Is Grief
By Scott Berinato,
Harvard Business Review
"If we can name it,
perhaps we can manage it."
Nā Kahu of Kamehameha Schools are writing devotionals to support the KS ‘ohana through this time.
Kahu Kalani Wong, KS Maui Chaplain and member of Iao UCC, shares these Hawaiian-based devotionals and invites others to use them.
Click HERE (and scroll down) to find the devotionals on their Daily devotional calendar.