Created by the StillSpeaking Writers' Group. A scripture, reflection, and prayer for each day.
A variety of prayers, liturgies, and "how-to" articles for use on Sundays, Festivals, and special UCC calendar days. These resources come from all settings of the UCC; they are written by pastors, educators, musicians and covenanted ministry staff members. Many are based on the Sunday readings found in the Revised Common Lectionary.
Kamehameha Schools Daily Devotionals created and coordinated by Kamehameha Schools-Maui Kahu Kalani Wong. (scroll down to the daily devotional calendar)
Sermon Series on UCC Statement of Faith
During Epiphany 2021, Rev. Jayne Ryan Kuroiwa (Hawai‘i Kai UCC) preached a series of sermons on the United Church of Christ's Statement of Faith. Permission is granted to print or use the sermons for teaching or preaching purposes.
Biblical Resources
"... a searchable online Bible in more than 200 versions and 70 languages that you can freely read, research, and reference anywhere."
Sermon Seeds is a preparation resource designed for use with the Revised Common Lectionary. Produced by Local Church Ministries of the United Church of Christ.
Adapted for Bible study in the local church and for personal devotion and study. Along with the text and reflection, you’ll find a prayer, additional thoughts for reflection, and focus questions for discussion.

The second Sunday in October is designated on the UCC church calendar to celebrate the gifts of persons with disabilities and the strides that the church has made in being more whole through becoming more accessible. It is also a day that we, the church, acknowledge the journey yet to be taken with our siblings with disabilities.

A litany for the Hawaiian Mission Bicentennial (2020), prepared by the HCUCC Reconciliation Working Group, which recognizes history from Henry ʻŌpūkahaʻia and missionaries who came to Hawai‘i up to the illegal overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai‘i to today.

Health and Human Service Sunday
Every January, the UCC celebrates Health and Human Service Sunday, which provides an opportunity to recognize the important work the Council for Health and Human Service Ministries (CHHSM) organizations provide. It is also a time to prayerfully reflect on health in a holistic way, to address the social justice issues in healthcare, and to advocate for meaningful change.

Henry 'Ōpūkaha'ia Sunday
Each year on the Sunday closest to the anniversary of Henry 'Ōpūkaha'ia's death (February 17, 1818), churches are encouraged to honor the legacy of the young Hawaiian credited with inspiring the Sandwich Islands mission that brought Christianity to Hawai'i.

Japanese American Day of Remembrance
A “Day of Remembrance” is observed annually in February for the Japanese American community and for all Americans to remember the pain and deprivations arising from the U.S. Government’s wartime mass exile and imprisonment of Japanese Americans living on the West Coast of our nation, and related actions against persons of Japanese ancestry living in Hawai‘i and other regions of our nation.

Kalaupapa Sunday
The Hawai‘i Conference designates the fourth Sunday in January to remember, commemorate and honor all the patients of Kalaupapa, many of whom came from or had connections to our families and churches.
Open and Affirming Sunday
UCC congregations around the country will celebrate National Open and Affirming (ONA) Sunday on June 27 in 2021. “Open and Affirming” (ONA) is a movement of more than 1,500 churches and other ministries in the United Church of Christ that welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) members.
In the UCC, the last Sunday of April is designated as "PAAM" (Pacific Islander and Asian American Ministries) Sunday when all UCC churches recognize and celebrate the gifts and contribution of Pacific Islanders & Asian Americans in the life of the UCC.